Monday, May 31, 2004

The Human Clump

May 28, 2004.

Have had an awesome time in Melbourne (after recovering from the “head injury”, see previous entry titled “Cliffhanger”). Succumbed to the party vibe of touring much more here. Went dancing last night after the first show, at the Cherry Bar with Vince, Dave, Luke, our tour manager Dan C and Jenny from the flight to Australia who has been keeping us company. I should have been in bed, still have that bug, but it was so much fun.

Tonight a portion of the human clump * just went for a star power night swim at the hotel. In the drive back to the hotel after the 2nd show in Melbourne this evening Sarah said, “maybe they’ll open the pool for us”. I said, “oh, I always wish I could have a late night swim!” Our tour manager Dan Cleland said, “I’m sure we could make that happen”. I said, “I forgot who I was sitting beside”, and we laughed.

Next thing I knew:

the phone rang
I tripped in the dark over the ottoman
it was sarah
hello there
are you coming down to the pool
i’ll see you there

Until the night cleaning staff had enough of our shenanigans, we had the run of the pool and spa. Luke brought the wine, instant party! Fun.

That’s it for now. Goodnight.

xo KR.


* My name for any group of people that travels together whether by choice or circumstance, usually the latter. I first coined that phrase in 1994 when I had a lead role in a movie called “National Lampoon’s Senior Trip”, in which I played a stoner named Wanda Baker. I was one of a bunch of actors playing high school kids who went to meet the President of the United States and got in heaps of trouble on the way. The script was full of scenes that said “the kids try to stop Miosky” or “the kids trash the convenience store”. ...And, action, human clump!


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