Sunday, October 24, 2004

Hard Hats: Mandatory

Written October 24/04

We’re in Birmingham, UK... off to Nottingham tomorrow. Today was our first full day off since I flew here to start the tour on the night of Oct. 9. The pace of this tour has been intense.

There was an official U2 sighting at our Dublin Hotel but not by me. A few of my boys saw Bono, Edge and families having Sunday brunch in the private tea room just as we were heading out of town.

We played London's Royal Albert Hall last week. We were all excited to be performing in such a prestigious theatre. It was fun to wear the mandatory hard hats during soundcheck.

Tonight on the telly there was a talk show which is like a British version of Jerry Springer but the people on it were too polite to hit each other even though no one knew which man was the father and the new girlfriends hated the old one. They just talked it over, without interrupting. Very civilised. Now Des & Mel is on. Which came first, Regis & Kelly or Des & Mel?

Responses to some folks who have left comments for me recently:

-To Kitty of Edinburgh: thank you for calling our tour A Tour Of Hotness! Tell your friend who liked me I'm married but not dead so thanks, tell your friend’s mum I’m sure Luke would be flattered and to read more about him at and tell your friend’s dad he’s on a long waiting list for Sarah...

-Hair advice for Jennifer D of Houston: Yes, Sarah’s new shorter haircut does help me get ready for the show each night with a little less worry in the lookalike department. As far as your quandary goes, I’m in the same boat. Sometimes I’d love to cut off my hair too to shorten my prep time but short hair doesn’t suit me as well. If you are trying to grow yours and are losing patience, try to think of the time you’ve already spent growing it out as an investment of time toward your goal. Or not.

-To David of Edinburgh: well, as Pete Rose (no relation) sings in the 1970’s children’s movie Free To Be You And Me, “it’s alright to cry”. Seriously, thanks for sharing, especially being a “6’2” bloke.” Good on you. You mentioned finding more of my own music to hear. Sample some of it at . If you like it, you can order it very easily. Thanks for asking.

-Thank you to the Anonymous person who said: “When you write your roman a clef, and you MUST, I will be the first in line to buy it...” etc. That’s nice.

-To Amy B of Dallas: yes, it was great to be drinking “real” Guinness. My new CD is finished and is coming very soon, don’t give up on me yet...

-To Keith of Derby, England: thanks for your suggestions for what to do in Birmingham. You are right in saying Ash’s family is from here. They were at our concert in full force. Enjoy the concerts you are coming to this week!

-To Steve M of River Falls: you asked me about this ages ago... sorry it’s taken so long to answer: yes, I heard that Butterfly was asked by her label to change her accent in the single version of “I Can’t Make Me Love You”. I love that song and also love the way she pronounces the word ‘can’t’. I hope her label changed their mind in the end or that she convinced them to. I'll have to ask her what the final decision was. Being an independent artist for most of my career, I have not had to face that kind of intervention. Being a woman in this business I have come across certain inevitable expectations. I try to follow only the suggestions that suit me.

That's it for me today, all.
Don’t forget: if you are leaving me a comment for the first time and would like a response, please make sure you leave your email address.

xo KR