Wednesday, March 16, 2005

“The Barracuda”

In my last entry I ended with a real live Cliffhanger *. By now you must be positively salivating for the punchline, no? It would be cruel to postpone your satisfaction a minute longer, yes?

Why did I say that David and I feel like boiling our socks?

If you were my best friend Vid, for some reason you would now begin venturing wild guesses as though there was a door prize.

“Because you found mouse droppings in your sock drawer?”
“Because you both have ingrown toenails?
“Because you were just at my house for dinner and got covered in cat fur, to which you are both allergic?

I usually let her guess until she’s guessed-out and then say something like,
“No, Ewww and Excellent Guess, but how about I just tell you?”

So here’s the answer.

Right after this commercial message
ha ha
(like on American Idol but I hope you’re not watching that crap).

“Today’s entry is brought to you by: The Blog.
The Blog.
A modern, convenient distraction from working on your taxes.
Get yours today.”

And we’re back.

Why would we feel the need to boil our socks?

The answer to this question is a recent project that has run the gamut from Exciting to Bearable to Grim to Verging On Crime-Scene:

[Shoe-removal while house-hunting in March in Toronto].

That’s right, on top of everything else we’re both working on right now, we are looking to become first-time homeowners. Because it’s March and there are snowbanks and wet shoes and we’re searching in a certain price range and seeing about 10 houses a day, that’s a lot of “shoes-off/shoes on” in an onslaught of houses that range from Hellholes to Ridiculous Structures to Acceptably-Clean Dwellings to the Occasional Hidden Gem.

Highlights of the past week:

-The naked man in bed we discovered behind a second floor bedroom door, with no warning by the owner who let us into the house.

-A little old lady who, when we saw her home, pointed out the glitter embedded in the stucco living room ceiling with great pride, and who took me on a tour of her bedroom: “This is where I sleep. This is my bed, and my telephone, and my television.”

-A tour of a place that turned out to be an ex-rooming house, with something smeared on the walls in the bathroom that I need not identify.

I’m learning a lot about houses and real estate.

-I am now suspicious when I see the word “Clean” in a house listing. Call me crazy but I just think that when someone is trying to sell a house, “Clean” is one of those things that should be a given, like, “Has A Roof”. To read that it is “Clean” tells me that that is probably the only thing it has going for it. That it may not have a roof.

-It’s fun to say, “I have to call my broker” and “our realtor is picking us up at noon.”

-Our realtor is known in the business as, “The Barracuda”. She’s all of 5 feet tall and also happens to be Vid’s aunt. In the first house we saw she undid the lock box, opened the front door, looked inside, said, “Don’t even take your shoes off”, took two steps in and said, “Stand right here, look at what you see. Now get out. We’re going to the next house.”

On A Bright Note:

If you are a believer in creative visualization and have some extra mental time on your hands, please think of us this Sunday, March 20 from 7 PM on (ET), because that is when The Barracuda will be pitching our offer (our first-ever house offer!) on a beautiful little house we found yesterday, and if this house comes our way rather than being bandied about in a bidding war, we’ll be shocked but unspeakably happy. Last night I actually prayed.

Before I sign off, here is a new segment of the KR Blog, a little something I like to call: Something Cute.

Cue the “Something Cute” Jingle/Sting:

When I ask my mother-in-law what my father-in-law is doing and she says, “he’s Curling” (as in the sport of Curling), in her Scottish accent it sounds like she is saying, “he’s cuddling.” (As in the sport of Cuddling?)



* Cliffhanger: the name of Track 3 from my new CD, “Kathryn Rose”.

Monday, March 14, 2005

"You Can't Say I'm Not Thorough"

Following up to my last entry, here are my responses to the questions/comments I couldn't get to in last week's live chat.

You can repay me for my efforts with your purchase of my new CD, "Kathryn Rose" at

One new element of my website which is being re-designed right now will be an ongoing Q & A section.

In my next entry I will tell you why David and I have recently been feeling like it might not be a bad idea to boil our socks. There's a Cliffhanger...
xo KR


[hanz0] 8:03 pm: what is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
KR sez:
Anything with slivers or chunks of chocolate.

[EmmaLee] 8:04 pm: I’m still trying to fix my subwoofer. I busted it listening to “Life's Luxurious”
KR sez:
That song is always a great workout for me, with all that heavy breathing and the groovy groove... makes sense it was a workout for your stereo system, sorry about your subwoofer!

[DavisLawnMowing] 8:04 pm: Why did you stop acting, Kathryn?
KR sez:
I stopped acting because I realised: ‘where the heart lies, the stomach will follow’. In other words: if there’s something you want to do badly enough you will put up with the heartache and pitfalls that are bound to befall you along the way. If you’re pursuing the wrong dream, or the dream for the wrong reasons, you will not survive. For me, I had to admit that acting was the wrong dream and that music was the right one. Since I made that decision ten years ago, I have never wanted to go back to the life of the actress, having to yield to other peoples’ rules and unrealistic beauty standards. I have however always held on to the idea that I wouldn’t mind somebody wanting to put me in a movie because of something they see in me as a songwriter and performer. Now I’m married to an actor whom I admire very much for the quality of his work and the way he soldiers on, maintaining his dignity and caring enough to work behind the scenes in the Guild that represents actors, to improve the state of the industry and the lives of the people in it. My heart lies in music, and my stomach has followed, surviving all the lean times and the low blows.

[ElysianFaery] 8:08 pm: thanks for creating a public blog. I like your sense of humour!
KR sez:
Little did I know when I began my blog that I would enjoy writing it so much and that others would enjoy reading it so much. It really makes me want to write a book.

[Fumbler1968] 8:12 pm: have any pets KR?
KR sez:
No pets these days. About 10 years ago people kept giving me their budgies for various reasons. Eventually I had 3 of them. I was the Crazy Budgie Lady of Toronto (self-proclaimed), living alone in a loft studio space at the time. I built an aviary for them in one of the giant windows. When David moved into my apartment with me, the movers he hired had a boy dog named Sadie who followed them in and out of the house throughout the whole move. We kind of fell in love with Sadie that day. Sadie was an Australian Sheepdog. We decided then and there that we hope to find a dog like Sadie when we get into a bigger house.

[Sunshine] 8:17 pm: what's your fav food?
KR sez:
I love to eat and to cook and I love food of many cultures, so how about I tell you what I hate: raisins and liver. Bleh.

[Sunshine] 8:18 pm: what sarah song you love most?
KR sez:
Good Enough or Elsewhere.

[Jyl] 8:18 pm: On the afterglow live dvd you did an awesome job on “ICE”
KR sez:
Thank you. Also, thanks Jyl, for your email after the fact about asking whether I was married to Gene Simmons. Don't worry, I was not offended. I thought you were just joking.

[EmmaLee] 8:19 pm: Would you ever consider doing a college tour in the U.S. Kathryn? If so please come to either IN, TN, or KY.
KR sez:
College tours in the States are a whole different thing from Canadian ones; they can make your career. So yes! Tell your schools about me. I’d love to.

[phugger] 8:58 pm: KR: what is a musician's work life like? i am guessing it's not the usual 9-5 kind of job
[Blythe-Solace] 8:20 pm: Any movies for you in the near future. Either voice over or acting?
KR sez:
This may address both of the above questions. Re: acting - see my comments above. Re: jingles and voiceover - I enjoy this work. The work is fun and challenging and the jobs are quick, which gives me lots of time to work on my own music. These job opportunities come up suddenly. You just never know when they'll call you in to a studio for a jingle session or voiceover audition. Keeps things exciting. You have to be ever on-the-ready. I like that. Having been away for most of 2004 with Sarah means I am letting people know I’m back and hoping that I can pick up where I left off. Last week I sang a demo for a coffee commercial. Today I auditioned for two character voices in an animated series. Tomorrow? Who knows...

[ElysianFaery] 8:29 pm: are there are any "rituals" you do before you go onstage?
KR sez:
Apart from the old straw-in-the-bra routine (see archived Sun., Nov. 14/04 blog entry: “I beg your pardon! I love you!”), I have a little mantra that I made up before one of my own shows in Halifax in 1994, which has stuck. I won’t tell you what it is for fear of nullifying it, but I can tell you it is part-prayer, part-promise for a good show.

[Barra] 8:32 pm: Kathryn-who is your biggest musical influence?
KR sez:
I have to give you a short list: Elvis Costello, The Police, Kate Bush, The Eurythmics, Fleetwood Mac, early Genesis, Marvin Gaye, Roberta Flack, Jeff Buckley.

[Sunshine] 8:35 pm: KR do you like the netherlands?
KR sez:
I had one fabulous day to explore Amsterdam. I walked and walked. By accident, I saw Queen Beatrix in person. I’d love to go back. Go to my website and look at my Euro tour photos and read my Tues., Nov. 30/04 blog entry “You must not make a party” for more about my brief time in the Netherlands.

[salazama] 8:37 pm: Kathryn, what's the story behind the song yellowknife?
KR sez:
I wrote "Yellowknife" back when I was a single girl looking for love. Although it may at first appear to be a lesbian anthem, "Yellowknife" is in fact a word-for-word report of the excuses I was given by a man I really liked as to why we couldn’t be together even though he found me attractive, and while he was still trying to make out with me. I like how the name of the city where the girl he met two weeks ago comes from becomes the girl's name in the song. If "Yellowknife" becomes a lesbian anthem, well, that’s okay by me. I just write the songs, I don't tell you how to enjoy them!

[Barra] 8:37 pm: Do you have any siblings?
KR sez:
I have one brother who is four-and-a-half years younger, Michael Rose (not to be confused with the Reggae star). My brother is currently in the final stages of signing a publishing deal for his first book, a co-write with a friend of his on the history of disaster films.

[isa19] 8:38 pm: Stupidirl from Ireland wants to know: has there ever been a time in your career that you wondered whether you had made the right decision getting into the music industry?
KR sez:
No. Despite the long road to wider acclaim for my own music, when I sing I feel like there’s nowhere else I’m supposed to be. It gives me great joy. People responding to my songs is very rewarding. Even when I take breaks from my career (which I have found to be necessary), I’m always driven to come back eventually. The simple fact that it’s been 18 years and I haven’t given up yet is the proof that I’m doing the right thing.

[Sunshine] 8:39 pm: what's your fav alcoholic drink?
KR sez:
After I saw “The Big Lebowski” I found myself asking for a White Russian whenever I went to a bar. That eventually passed. I’m not a big drinker. I do like a nice refreshing Pimm’s or a lime-and-lager in the summer.

[DavisLawnMowing] 8:39 pm: what is the name of the film you covered the Costello song for so we can be on the lookout?
KR sez:
I just recorded one of my favourite all-time songs, Elvis Costello's "Watching The Detectives" for the end credits of a feature film called "The Overlookers", written and directed by Christopher Warre Smets. Two of my own songs are also featured in the film: "Mint" from Every Lurid Detail and "I Married Myself" from My Little Flame.
Upcoming screening:
The Canadian Filmmakers Festival
Sat. April 9, 2005
The Carlton Cinemas, Toronto, 6pm. (Yonge and College)
For more info:

[Lougle] 8:39 pm: Do you have any plans to perform in the New York City area?
KR sez:
I sure hope so! All tour dates will be on my website.

[JenniferDavidow] 8:40 pm: Do you have a preference: singing live or working through a song in the studio?
KR sez:
I love everything about recording. When I write a song I always imagine what it might sound like recorded. I like feeling the song take shape as you go along in the studio. I like the process of finding the right sounds for the song and the way to sing it that serves it best. I also love performing live. I find that by the time you have recorded a song, you have learned a lot about it, which can help you perform it better. Then of course, performing it a lot over time in different band configurations can take it in other directions.

[Blythe-Solace] 8:41 pm: is there any particular place you have to be in to write? either mentally or physically?
[Sunshine] 8:48 pm: KR where do you like to write?
KR sez:
Mentally I usually need to be tormented about or moved by something to begin writing about it. Physically I need to be alone and I like to have not just my guitar but my computer nearby if possible because when the idea starts forming I like to see it clean on a page as soon as possible.

[hanz0] 8:48 pm: i really like “Cliffhanger”
KR sez: Glad to hear that. We're considering that song as a single.

[gleat] 9:02 pm: nice to know u, we wait for u here in chile
KR sez:
I'm waiting for my soundman to come home from a trip in Chile right now. He's there with his wife showing his relatives their new baby. I hope to get there someday.

The end.